Harleys CV carburetor works great but it was not designed with wheelies in mind. When the bike is straight up and down in the 12 o'clock position the carb isnt working correctly and the bike can bog or skip at most likely the worst time possible. There is a solution rather than changing to a very expensive carb.
When in a wheelie the gas is forced to the back of the carburetor where the factory breather is located. Because the breather is full of gas no air can enter the the carb which makes it harder for more fuel to enter the bowl. Similar to tipping a gas can without having a vent hole to let air back in to the can.
The solution is plugging the factory breather hole and drilling a new hole in the front of the carb where it is free and clear of fuel when in a wheelie.
We designed a new intake gasket that blocks the factory breather hole. Its as simple as removing your factory gasket and replacing it with ours. No more drilling and tapping or jamming puddy into your carb.
The kit also comes with a 3/32 drill bit and detailed instructions on where to drill the front breather hole.
***Modify your Carb at your own risk***
We want to make it clear we are not responsible for you modifing your carburator.
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